You know that if you have a business being present on the online background is a must. But is that enough to ensure your success in the future? You may be tricked to believe it is, but just take a closer look around. What do you see? Almost all the people around you check the Internet from their smartphones and tablets. For sure you have one of those as well. Try to enter your web page by using your mobile device. If you find that only a corner of your web page is visible, and navigation on it is rather difficult. That means you are not using a Responsive WordPress Theme or in other words: Your Website is Not Mobile Friendly. And many people will not have the patience to navigate it.
The reason to tell you this is that there is an entirely unexplored niche of customers for your business. In order for your business numbers to grow, you need to attract more clients. And the ones that used mobile devices to look for products and services online are in an enormous number and still growing, due to the massive expanse of the affordable technology.
Also it’s very important to know that starting from 2015 Google started to give Mobile Friendly Websites a better ranking over non-friendly website. Moreover They’ve added “Mobile-Friendly” label to encourage mobile users to visit those websites.
So what do you need to do next?
It’s Simple first you need to check your website using the Mobile Friendly Testing Service offered by google to make sure if its mobile friendly or not.
In case it’s not you must consider changing the template you are using for your website to a modern Responsive WordPress Theme that is 100% Mobile Friendly so your website look good on mobile devices.
How Responsive WordPress Theme Works?
Now, let’s get into more details about what responsive design is and how a good responsive WordPress theme can help your business. Having a responsive website means that it will automatically adjust to the type of devices from where it is accessed. So it doesn’t really matter if the visitor has a 5” smartphone or a 10” tablet because using the right responsive WordPress theme will make your website looks great and be more accessible on both devices. No setting of the devices must be performed, so no time is wasted or advanced knowledge required by your website visitors. Anyone can just simply search information or products on the internet, see your page and navigate it without a problem. No corners and no cut images. The entire page will look just like on a regular computer, but at a smaller scale that fits the mobile device it’s opened through. And this is the beauty of this technology, using a responsive WordPress theme will result one website that fits itself automatically into any screen size from a 60″ smart TV to a 3.2″ basic smartphone.
How to Choose a Good Responsive WordPress Theme?
There are many providers out their who are claiming that their theme is a Fully Responsive WordPress Theme but don’t take their word. Just copy the theme URL or use a QR code if they have one and Check the theme by yourself on your own smartphone. Don’t just check the theme homepage, go deeper and check every single page before you make the purchasing decision. Also if you can try opening it on more than one device for example try it on an iPhone and a Samsung Android devices with different sizes if possible. A well designed and well coded responsive WordPress theme should look good across all devices and all operating systems.
Still not convinced?
Trust me on this, as you will soon notice the importance of using a responsive WordPress theme for your website. It is a lot cheaper to make your current website responsive, than to invest in developing a new application or a mobile friendly version of website specially code for mobile phones and tablets. as getting a well-coded responsive WordPress theme may cost you $50 to $60 while building a native apps to work on both IOS and Android devices may cost you thousands of dollars. Just ask your friends about it, and you will see what their answers will be regarding this aspect. The truth is that so many people love gadgets today, that they mostly do everything on and with them. Just think about the active businessman, who needs to be always on the move. He will prefer a smartphone or tablet to carry around, instead of a laptop. So wouldn’t you like offering your services for him as well? Make your responsive website and you will.